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Dinamica dei rotabili in OR, parametri per i freni |
Parameter | ENG or WAG | Description | Recommended Input Units | Suggested settings | New or Existing | Typical Examples |
Wagon Brake Information | ||||||
BrakeEquipmentType ( x ) | WAG | Describes the type of brake equipment fitted to the wagon. | Text (Multiple values can be specified) | handbrake - a handbrake is fitted. retainer_3_position - a 3 position retaining valve is fitted. retainer_4_position - a 4 position retaining valve is fitted. This meant for freight wagons only. Only a either a 3 or 4 position retainer is meant to be selected. vacuum_brake - a vacuum brake is fitted. triple_valve - a standard triple valve is fitted. graduated_release_triple_valve - a triple valve that permits partial releasing of the brakes. ep_brake - an electrically control brake system is fitted. Release and application of the brakes are independently controlled. ecp_brake - Same as "ep_brake". auxilary_reservoir - air tank used for normal service brake applications. This is required for all brake systems. emergency_brake_reservoir - air tank used for emergency applications. This is optional. distributor - electronic or computer controller on the vehicle that can be set to independently control any parameter of the braking system. | Existing | BrakeEquipmentType( "Triple_valve, Auxilary_reservoir" ) |
BrakeSystemType ( x ) | WAG | Describes the type of brake system fitted to the wagon. | Text | Air_single_pipe - One pipe controls and supplies the air brakes. Air_twin_pipe - Two pipes are used. One to control the brakes, the other to charge the reserviors. Vacuum_single_pipe - One pipe is used to supply and control the air brakes. Vacuum_twin_pipe - Two pipes are used. One controls the vacuum brakes, the other supply the vacuum reservior. ECP - The brakes are controlled by a computer or complex elctrical control system. EP - The brakes are a combination of standard air brakes and electrical control signals. Air_piped - The vehcile has no powered brakes. It only passes on the train pipe pressure for air brakes. Vacuum_piped - The vehcile has no powered brakes. It only passes on the train pipe pressure for vacuum brakes. | Existing | BrakeSystemType ( "Air_single_pipe" ) |
MaxBrakeForce ( x ) | WAG | The maximum braking force that is applied to the wagon wheel, includes the coefficient of friction for the brakeshoe. | Force - N, kN, lbf Default - Newtons | As per wagon specifications (if unknown see brake force calculator) | Existing | MaxBrakeForce ( 92.153kN ) |
MaxHandbrakeForce ( x ) | WAG | The maximum force that is applied to the wagon wheel by the handbrake. | Force - N, kN, lbf Default - Newtons | As per wagon specifications (if unknown see brake force calculator) | Existing | MaxHandbrakeForce ( 24.574kN ) |
ORTSBrakeShoeFriction ( x y ) | WAG | The coefficient of friction for the brakeshoe acting upon the wheel. | x = Factor y = Speed - kmh | As per brakeshoe specifications. Note: The corresponding MaxBrakeForce value should be calculated with a coefficient value equal to the zero kmh vale of this curve. | New | ORTSBrakeShoeFriction ( 0.0 0.49 ........ 104.6 0.288) |
EmergencyRes VolumeMultiplier ( x ) | WAG | Ratio of emergency reservoir compare to auxiliary reservoir. (R = EmerRes / AuxRes) | Multiplier | As per brake system specifications. | Existing | EmergencyRes VolumeMultiplier ( 1.0 ) |
TripleValveRatio ( x ) | WAG | Ratio of the brake cylinder and the auxilary reservoir volumes. | Multiplier | As per brake system specifications. Typically on most braking systems this is 2.5. | Existing | TripleValveRatio ( 2.5 ) |
MaxReleaseRate ( x ) | WAG | Maximum rate that the brake cylinder can drop pressure. | PressureRateDefaultPSIpS - psi/s, kPa/s, bar/s, inHg/s Default - psi/s | As per brake system specifications. Typically brake systems can exahust the air in the brake cylinder within seconds, so high values are not unusual. | Existing | MaxReleaseRate ( 50.0 ) |
MaxApplicationRate ( x ) | WAG | Maximum rate that the brake cylinder can drop pressure. | PressureRateDefaultPSIpS - psi/s, kPa/s, bar/s, inHg/s Default - psi/s | As per brake system specifications. Typically the brake cylinder will equalize with the auxilary reservoir within seconds, so high values are not unusual. | Existing | MaxApplicationRate ( 50.0 ) |
MaxAuxilaryChargingRate ( x ) | WAG | Maximum rate that the auxiliary resevoir can be refilled at. | PressureRateDefaultPSIpS - psi/s, kPa/s, bar/s, inHg/s Default - psi/s | As per brake system specifications. Typically the auxiliary reservoir will equalize with the main reservoir, within seconds. | Existing | MaxAuxilaryChargingRate ( 20.0 ) |
EmergencyResChargingRate ( x ) | WAG | Maximum rate that the emergency resevoir can be refilled at. | PressureRateDefaultPSIpS - psi/s, kPa/s, bar/s, inHg/s Default - psi/s | As per brake system specifications. Typically the emergency reservoir will equalize with the main reservoir, within seconds. | Existing | EmergencyResChargingRate ( 20.0 ) |
EmergencyResCapacity ( x ) | WAG | Volume of emergency reservoir. | VolumeDefaultFT3 - ft^3, in^3, m^3, l, g-uk, g-us Default - ft^3 | As per brake system specifications. (Note this parameter is required, as the auxilairy reservoir volume is calculated form it. To calculate the size of the auxilairy reservoir, firts calculate the size of the brake cylinder first) | Existing | EmergencyResCapacity ( 1.792ft^3 ) |
BrakeCylinderPressureFor MaxBrakeBrakeForce ( x ) | WAG | Pressure needed in the brake cylinder for maximum braking force. | Pressure - psi, kPa, bar, inHg Default - psi | As per brake system specifications. | Existing | BrakeCylinderPressureFor MaxBrakeBrakeForce ( 50.0 ) |
BrakePipeVolume ( x ) | WAG | Volume of brake pipe on wagon, including an allowance for brake hose connections between cars. | VolumeDefaultFT3 - ft^3, in^3, m^3, l, g-uk, g-us Default - ft^3 | As per brake system specifications (the brake force calculator can assist in calculating this value). | New | BrakePipeVolume ( 0.307ft^3 ) |
ORTSBrakeShoeFriction ( x, y ) | WAG | Coefficient of friction for brakeshoe. | x = speed in kph y = brakeshoe friction | As per brake system specifications. | New | ORTSBrakeShoeFriction ( 0.0 0.49 ....... 104.6 0.288) |
Locomotive Brake Information - Compressor, Reservoir and General | ||||||
AirBrakesMainMaxAir Pressure ( x ) | ENG | Maximum air pressure in the main air brake reservoir. When this pressure is reached the compressor will automatically stop running. | Pressure - psi, kPa, bar, inHg Default - psi | As per brake system specifications. | Existing | AirBrakesMainMaxAir Pressure( 105.0 ) |
AirBrakesCompressor RestartPressure ( x ) | ENG | Pressure below which the compressor will start to recharge the main reservoir. | Pressure - psi, kPa, bar, inHg Default - psi | As per brake system specifications. | Existing | AirBrakesCompressor RestartPressure( 90.0 ) |
AirBrakesMainResVolume ( x ) | ENG | Pressure below which the compressor will start to recharge the main reservoir. | VolumeDefaultFT3 - ft^3, in^3, m^3, l, g-uk, g-us Default - ft^3 | As per brake system specifications. | Existing | AirBrakesMainResVolume ( 20.490ft^3 ) |
ORTSMainResChargingRate ( x ) | ENG | Recharging rate for main reservoir, depends upon the capacity of the air compressor. | PressureRateDefaultPSIpS - psi/s, kPa/s, bar/s, inHg/s Default - psi/s | As per brake system specifications. (if unknown see brake force calculator) | New | ORTSMainResChargingRate ( 0.237 ) |
ORTSBrakePipeChargingRate ( x ) | ENG | Charging rate for brake pipe, influences the pressure gradient, or how fast the air can travel to the end of the train. | PressureRateDefaultPSIpS - psi/s, kPa/s, bar/s, inHg/s Default - psi/s | As per brake system specifications. x > 1000, disables the function. This value can also be set through the option menu. | New | ORTSBrakePipeChargingRate ( 40.0 ) |
TrainPipeLeakRate ( x ) | ENG | Leakage rate for brake pipe, influences the pressure maintained in brake pipe. Leaking brake pipes can apply brakes. | PressureRateDefaultPSIpS - psi/s, kPa/s, bar/s, inHg/s Default - psi/s | As per brake system specifications. | Existing | TrainPipeLeakRate ( 0.0833 ) |
ORTSBrakePipeTimeFactor ( x ) | ENG | Influences the time for brake pressure changes to propogate through the train brake pipe along the length of the train. | Time - s, m, h Default - s | As per train brake system specifications. | New | ORTSBrakePipeTimeFactor ( 0.003 ) |
ORTSBrakeServiceTimeFactor ( x ) | ENG | Influences the time for the brake pipe pressure to drop and equate to the equalising reservoir pressure under normal operation. | Time - s, m, h Default - s | As per train brake system specifications. | New | ORTSBrakeServiceTimeFactor ( 1.009 ) |
ORTSBrakeEmergencyTimeFactor ( x ) | ENG | Influences the time for the brake pipe pressure to drop and equate to the equalising reservoir pressure under emergency operation. | Time - s, m, h Default - s | As per train brake system specifications. | New | ORTSBrakeEmergencyTimeFactor ( 0.1 ) |
Locomotive Brake Controller Information | ||||||
TrainBrakesController MaxSystemPressure ( x ) | ENG | Maximum pressure that the train brake pipe will operate at for the train brake system. | PressureRateDefaultPSIpS - psi/s, kPa/s, bar/s, inHg/s Default - psi/s | As per brake system specifications. | Existing | TrainBrakesController MaxSystemPressure ( 70 ) |
TrainBrakesController MaxReleaseRate ( x ) | ENG | Maximum rate the train brake controller will increase air in the train pipe, under normal brake release. | PressureRateDefaultPSIpS - psi/s, kPa/s, bar/s, inHg/s Default - psi/s | As per brake system specifications. | Existing | TrainBrakesController MaxReleaseRate ( 5.0 ) |
TrainBrakesController MaxQuickReleaseRate ( x ) | ENG | Maximum rate the train brake controller will increase air in the train pipe, under quick brake release. | PressureRateDefaultPSIpS - psi/s, kPa/s, bar/s, inHg/s Default - psi/s | As per brake system specifications. | Existing | TrainBrakesController MaxQuickReleaseRate ( 20.0 ) |
TrainBrakesController MaxApplicationRate( x ) | ENG | Maximum rate the train brake controller will release air from the train pipe, under normal brake application. | PressureRateDefaultPSIpS - psi/s, kPa/s, bar/s, inHg/s Default - psi/s | As per brake system specifications. | Existing | TrainBrakesController MaxApplicationRate ( 2.0 ) |
TrainBrakesController EmergencyApplicationRate( x ) | ENG | Maximum rate the train brake controller will release air from the train pipe, under emergency brake application. | PressureRateDefaultPSIpS - psi/s, kPa/s, bar/s, inHg/s Default - psi/s | As per brake system specifications. | Existing | TrainBrakesController EmergencyApplicationRate ( 30.0 ) |
TrainBrakesController FullServicePressureDrop ( x ) | ENG | Pressure drop resulting from a full service application of the train brake controller. | PressureRateDefaultPSIpS - psi/s, kPa/s, bar/s, inHg/s Default - psi/s | As per brake system specifications. | Existing | TrainBrakesController FullServicePressureDrop ( 25.0 ) |
TrainBrakesController MinPressureReduction ( x ) | ENG | Pressure that will be dropped by a minimum reduction setting on the train brake controller. | PressureRateDefaultPSIpS - psi/s, kPa/s, bar/s, inHg/s Default - psi/s | As per brake system specifications. | Existing | TrainBrakesController MinPressureReduction ( 7.0 ) |
Locomotive Brake Control Valve Information | ||||||
ControlName ( w x y z ) | ENG | Describes a notched control valve. | Mulitpliers | As per brake system specifications. w - minimum value of valve x - maximum value of valve y - step value of valve z - default value (setting this values determines the starting position of the brakes) | Existing | Brake_Train ( 0 1 0.01 0.25 |